This gentleman started out at Hampden-Sydney College where he pledged Phi Gamma Delta aka FIJI or Phi Gam (depending on geography). Unlike most fraternities and sororities, Phi Gamma Delta doesn't allow their greek letters on anything but their crest so I didn't make a block with letters. I DID however, incorporate their color of purple, their white owl mascot and their black diamond with the white star symbol all in one block. The sashing between the blocks has a palm tree motif which of course hearkens to the FIJI tropical isle theme.
I had a little bit of football themed fabric from another quilt which was perfect for the borders as this Tiger played football at Hampden-Sydney and yet still maintained a high enough GPA to get admitted to the top-tier law school at Washington and Lee University.

The logo for Washington and Lee University was made with fabric that have the W&L trident as the design. The background of the Hampden-Sydney block is a tropical batik again referencing the FIJI connection. Because the recipient practices law, the scales of justice were appliqued onto a background of books.

Hampden-Sydney College is a unique treasure of a school located about an hour west of Richmond in a very rural area. It is one of the last 3 all-male colleges in the country. Yet every time we have visited on the weekends, there is no shortage of gorgeous young ladies out and about.
How many Hampden-Sydney students does it take to change a light bulb?
Five, one to actually change the light bulb, and four to figure out how this could get some Sweet Briar girls to come over.